Skill Games

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    Play Bitcoin skill games at Bitcasino

    Test your skills at Bitcasino’s online skill games category! In this section, find out how you can come up with various techniques you can use to win big prizes. At the same time, things get more exciting because you now have the chance to win crypto from bitcoin skill games

    Aside from that, Bitcasino continues to pique your interest by continuously improving its bitcoin games of skill category. All of the games here contain top-of-the-line visuals that will greatly immerse you in the gameplay. Find out more about bitcoin skill-based games below and learn how you can win crypto from playing them.

    What are skill games

    Real money skill games have the same look and feel as a video slot with their bright and colourful visuals as well as immersive background music. But instead of relying on chance, skill-based casino games require you to use human talent and ability to win prizes. This challenges the players to give their best effort in order to take home the grand rewards. 

    On top of that, skill casino games also provide players with a sense of release that is both accomplishing and non-addictive. 

    Different types of casino skill games

    Skill games online are more appealing to players with their variants. However, the three popular kinds that dominate today’s gaming market are arcade, puzzle and card games. Get to know each one of them in the list below:

    1. Arcade games

    Arcades are the most popular type of online skill-based games because of the nostalgia they let you experience. In terms of visuals, this form of entertainment takes inspiration from the late 70s. 

    Colourful palettes, 8-bit visual elements and 2D perspectives mainly dominate your playing screen. Aside from that, this type of skill game crypto tests your dexterity to press buttons or tap the screen quickly. The more you do in a span of a minute, the higher the prizes you can win. 

    1. Puzzle games

    Are you the type of person who loves to come up with multiple solutions to a problem? If so, then the puzzle crypto games of skill are perfect for you. 

    Here, all you need is to come up with different ways to solve the situation. In puzzle games, you will be presented with a problem that requires you to exercise your critical thinking. 

    Usually, you will unlock different levels with increased prizes in the game as you go play. Simultaneously, unlocking the hardest stage makes you deserving to win the highest possible rewards from online casino skill games.

    1. Card games

    Another type of skill games you can try are card games. As long as you know the mechanics of how they’re played and the strategies involved, you can use your skills to have leverage against other players. 

    How to win at skill games?

    Throw out everything you know about luck and chance because now is the time to come up with real plans to earn bitcoin playing skill games. Below is a guide that can teach you a thing or two on how to win skill games:

    1. Always read the instructions for each skill game you play

    All online skill games for real money have their own set of instructions you need to follow. These fine prints contain everything you need to know about the game as well as clues on winning. Usually, you can find the game instructions when you click the menu button found in the interface.

    1. Stick to your skill set then progress later on

    Casino games of skill provide you with multiple levels of difficulty commonly known as easy, medium and hard As their name suggests the challenges for each level will vary in terms of difficulty. If you are only starting out, it is best to start with a comfortable level of difficulty. This will not let you lose too much money, and it will also teach you the ropes of the game. 

    1. Use mathematics to determine your odds

    Some skill games for real money require you to apply mathematics and probability to determine your odds of winning. Games of skill such as dice and cards are the two types that allow technique given their numerous possibilities. Through computing, you can find results that will help your decision-making.

    1. Keep your composure

    Gambling skill games can be frustrating, especially when you know you’re giving your best effort yet you still don’t win. In turn, your mood turns sour which can affect your gameplay and mindset. Always keep a calm composure by doing deep breaths to reset your energy and tackle the game in a new way. 

    Additionally, entering a tilted state will only prevent you from thinking rationally. Your mind is focused on having rage and throws all logic out of the window. As a solution to this, the first step is to recognise your moods. From there, you can identify how you can calm down and go back to your gaming again.

    1. Come up with various strategies

    The great thing about casino skill-based games is how it pushes you to come up with various strategies. Each round differs from the previous one, which means that your solution for the puzzle will not apply to the current situation. In turn, it does not let you get comfortable with the strategies you have. That is why you need to constantly think of new ones to continue winning rewards.

    1. Learn the basics of the game 

    While online skill games offer instructions and how to play sections, nothing beats first-hand knowledge. Having a background on the game you want to play gives you the opportunity to seamlessly apply casino strategies to increase your chances of winning. 

    One thing you can do is play a game’s free demo version. This gives you an overview of how the game works without playing for real money. Additionally, learning the ropes beforehand by watching videos is also one way to familiarise yourself with the game.

    1. Properly manage your bankroll

    Havin a casino money management strategy is important when playing any casino game. In order to avoid overspending, budgeting your money daily, weekly or even monthly can help you lessen your losses.

    Benefits of playing crypto skill games

    If you are still looking for a push to play skill games online, here is a list of benefits you can reap:

    Ownership of assets

    Playing crypto skill games gives you the chance to own non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These are unique in-game items that can come in the form of player avatars, characters, creatures and other special objects. Moreover, NFTs serve as your reward for playing these games, and you can trade or sell them in crypto exchanges.

    Earn crypto from playing skill games for bitcoin

    If you're a beginner and want to invest in crypto, playing skill games to earn real money such as puzzles is one way you can do it. Usually, you can take home rewards in digital assets such as Ethereum, Bitcoin or USDT if you win the game.

    Fair and transparent outcomes

    Crypto casino sites provide you with fair and transparent outcomes by eliminating third-party institutions like banks. This allows you to wager crypto without providing personal details to proceed with the transaction.

    Additionally, it removes unnecessary steps such as filling information to process your deposits and withdrawals on the site. 


    One of the most appealing features of online skill games is accessibility. Usually, these games can be accessed across devices such as smartphones, PC or tablets. No need to line up at brick and mortar casinos to enjoy these games. At Bitcasino, we have our Android app you can download on any Android device for a better casino experience.

    Additionally, Bitcasino accepts diverse crypto payment methods so withdrawing and depositing funds are hassle-free. 

    Skill games for bitcoin FAQs

    What kind of skill games online can I play?

    The best kinds of skill games to play online are arcade, puzzle and card games. Each of these challenges your talents in different ways, which allows you to learn more about your abilities.

    Can I win real money playing skill games?

    Yes, you can.

    Are real money online skill games legal?

    Yes, they are. 

    Is poker a game of skill or luck?

    Poker allows you to master both skill and luck. To continue winning the pot, you need to put in the effort by forming a strong hand or through bluffing. 

    Is there any gambling based purely on skill?

    Games such as blackjack can be considered based on skill since you can use the card counting technique to increase your chances of winning. 

    What are the supported cryptocurrencies for skill games?

    The supported cryptocurrencies for skill games are USDT, BTC, ETH, LTC, TRX, ADA and DOGE. All of them are available for you to buy through Bitcasino’s exchange channels.

    Can I play skill games on mobile?

    Yes, you can play skill games on mobile devices such as your smartphone and tablet.

    Can I play skill games for free?

    Yes, you can play skill games for free.


    Skill Games